Growing Hope - Website (1).png

Growing Hope


Growing Hope Brockley provides free therapy for children and young people with additional needs living in Lewisham and Southwark in partnership with St Peter’s.

Growing Hope aims to grow hope for children, hope for families and hope in Jesus. Anyone can make a referral for a 0-18 year old who has difficulties in participation with everyday activities by completing the referral form HERE.

Growing Hope provision will be available at church on Sundays. This will involve trained volunteers providing support for children to access kids church. If you have any questions about St Peter’s kids’ ministry or would like to complete an additional needs form for your child please email Ana HERE

If you’d like to serve/volunteer there are a number of ways to get involved. Click on the options below to get involved.

Continue to watch this space as our clinic grows, and sign up to hear our news.  For more information about Growing Hope, see our website by clicking here.

Questions? Email

At St. Peter's Church, we celebrate the rich diversity of our community and warmly extend an invitation to all, regardless of abilities or challenges. Our church is a community where everyone is welcomed. We are committed to providing a safe environment that supports individuals with additional needs, and we strive to ensure that every member of our congregation feels valued and respected.


Upcoming event in June …

Come and join us for our BIG QUIZ NIGHT in support of Growing Hope Brockley!

When: 21st June, 7:30-10:30pm 

Where: St Peter's Brockley, Wickham Rd, SE4 1LT


Tickets are £20 per person and include a drink and a delicious Caribbean meal. There will be a bar to purchase further drinks during the evening. You are welcome to come as a team (up to 6 people) or as an individual and our welcome team will join you with others. There will be a prize for the winning team!