As parents, we have all asked questions like: Why would they behave like that? What am I supposed to do now? Why is this so hard?
Circle of Security Parenting© Groups are designed to give parents ‘a map’ for understanding and responding to their children’s emotional needs. They help us focus on the most important thing of all - our relationship with our children.
We will be running Circle of Security Parenting Groups every school term in a number of different settings. The live groups run for eight weeks and usually have between 10-12 parents/carers per group. The online groups have a maximum of 6 people. There is a mixture of DVD material and facilitator led discussion.
In normal groups we ask for a donation for those who are able, however during these difficult times we are grateful for any donation.
Our courses are 8 weeks long and there are options for online and in person. If you are interested in this course please email and she will send you details of upcoming courses.