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23rd March is Village Sunday! 

Keeping it ambitiously local!

This is a fantastic opportunity to meet with others from St Peter’s who live locally to you and to love your local area. If you’re in a Village already, your Village leader will let you know what’s happening - you don’t need to sign up here. But please put the date in your diary.If you’re not in a Village, please sign up on the website below - it’s OK just to join your local Village for the day. You’ll love getting to know others who live nearby!

Any questions? Please contact Andy

Please don’t come to St Peter’s on that Sunday – there is no Sunday morning service. There will be no normal evening service, but we’ll have an evening of worship and celebration – please prioritise your Village Sunday meeting and if you come in the  evening come with a story to tell of what God’s been up to in your area!

 Any questions?  Contact hanelle at