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Talk to God

Talk to God

God absolutely LOVES you!  And like any good parent, he loves to talk with you.  So you can pray to him.  There’s no ‘right’ way to pray - just speak to God from your heart and tell him what you want to say.  If that feels strange - don’t worry.  That’s fine. You might want to talk to your christian friend who will be happy to help you as you get started.  And you might want to join a Village [add link] where you can join other christians as we pray together.

And God will speak to you too!  He does that mainly through the bible, so it’s great to read the bible.  You might have received a bible when you became a christian, but if not contact Andy - we’d love to get one to you.

The bible is God speaking to us all!  It’s our go to source for truth, it sets our hearts on fire and its authority in our life leads to freedom.

But it’s not a book you read from beginning to end (that’s because it’s actually a collection of 66 books!).  So it’s good to start by reading one of the four ‘gospels’ (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - these are accounts of the life of Jesus.  Perhaps start with the shortest one - Mark’s gospel.  You can find it in your bible starting on page [add page number if we have one for the bible we’re giving new christians] in the second half of the bible (called the new testament).  Otherwise, it’s about 4/5ths of the way through the bible.  You can find it on the YouVersion bible app here: [add link to bible app)

God also speaks to us as we pray.  When we become christians he fills us with his Spirit, and his Spirit in us speaks with us personally and uniquely.  That might come through thoughts, words or pictures in our minds as we pray.  Why don’t you ask God to speak to you now?  

As he speaks to you, he’ll be helping you to get to know him better, get to know who he has made you, and show you the best way to live.

Tell someone, join a church, and talk to God - that’s it!  It’s the start of the adventure of your life